Allocation Committee Mandate
The Allocation Committee’s primary responsibility is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its role by overseeing the Kamloops Sports Legacy Fund Society’s Guiding Principles as they relate to funding allocations. This includes the determination and review of qualifying directions for funding, the application process and measurement of the outcome of funding to successful applicants. The outcome measurement is an integral component of the Society Strategic Plan.
Terms of Reference
Creation: The Board of Directors created the Allocation Committee in 2007.
Status: The Committee is a standing committee and reports directly to the Board of Directors.
Functions: The Allocation Committee’s responsibility is to assist the Board of Directors to develop and evaluate the policies, systems, structures and strategic/operational framework for the allocation of Society’s funds. The Committee will operate in an open and transparent manner consistent with the Society Guiding Principles.
The Allocation Committee will review, comment upon/or recommend to the Board of Directors regarding:
- Qualifying Directions for Funding
- Application, Assessment and Allocation Process
- Measurement of the Outcomes of Funding
- Periodical review of the Society’s Allocation Process and Policies
Composition: The Allocation Committee is composed of a minimum of three (3) Board members and the Executive Director. The Board Chairman appoints the members annually.