Governance Committee Mandate



The Governance Committee’s primary responsibility is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its role by overseeing the Kamloops Sports Legacy Fund Society’s corporate governance policies and making recommendations aimed at enhancing Board effectiveness. This includes the management of the recording and reporting of Board and committee activities, the annual evaluation of Board effectiveness, recruitment and education of Directors and succession planning.

Terms of Reference

Creation: The Board of Directors created the Governance Committee in 2003 and expanded its role in 2005.

Status: The Committee is a standing committee and reports directly to the Board of Directors.

Functions: The Governance Committee’s responsibility is to assist the Board of Directors to develop and evaluate the policies, systems, structures and strategic/operational framework, which will ensure the leadership of the organization makes appropriate decisions, and takes appropriate actions to deliver services in an effective and accountable manner.

The Governance Committee will review, comment upon/or recommend to the Board of Directors regarding:

1. Corporate Governance Practices:

  • Conduct a periodic review of the Society’s corporate governance policies and make recommendations to enhance Board and committee effectiveness. This includes updates on the developments in corporate governance.
  • Ensure appropriate structure, size, composition, mandate and membership of Board committees.

2. Management of Board and Committee Activities:

  • Annually review the mandates of the Board and each committee and recommend amendments when required.
  • Make recommendations to the Board regarding meeting dates and agendas, the frequency and content of committee meetings and the need for special meetings.
  • Ensure effective communications, particularly with respect to the provision of information to directors in a timely manner.
  • Oversee the annual review and update of the strategic and operational plans.
  • Ensure regular and appropriate communications between the Board and the members of the Society.

3. Evaluation of Board Effectiveness:

  • Annually evaluate the effectiveness of the Board and its committees and periodically make recommendations regarding Board size and number of committees.

4. Recruitment and Education of Directors:

  • Identify and recommend suitable candidates for director nominations.
  • Establish criteria for retirement of a director.
  • Orientate new directors.

5. Succession Planning:

  • Ensure that there is an effective and appropriate succession plan for the replacement of the Executive Director.


The Governance Committee is composed of a minimum of three (3) Board members and the Executive Director. The Board Chairman appoints the members annually.